

Starting my first blog happened so quickly - I was not bothered about the appearance of the blog, the pictures and I regret that I was such an amateur. Now that I have taken up blogging so seriously, launching my new blog was so difficult because I was not getting enough time to dote on the new one.
The domain was blocked & purchased a year and a half before but it has come to life just today(22/1/2016).Finally my new blog with its very first post is up and I take pride in introducing it to you :

It is TRAVEL BY YOURSELF : Click here 

Why was TravelByYourself born ?

I started Crazyforcosmetics only as a beauty blog and slowly I started incorporating all lifestyle topics including travel and it was kind of misleading from the blog's name. So my husband & I decided to have a separate blog for travel and he would actively involve himself in the new blog. 
Crazyforcosmetics would continue as a beauty & fashion blog and the travel posts would be slowly migrated to TravelbyYourself.

I have also created separate Facebook Page for the blog as of now & soon twitter & instagram would be launched. I hope you all can support my new blog too just the way you have supported Crazyforcosmetics all these years.

Note :

Till the migration happens, all the old travel posts would still be available on Crazyforcosmetics.

A permanent link to the New Blog will be present on the right side bar to gain easy access to it.