
Life Update and the reason for being away from my blog

I know it has been ages since I even took out my laptop and the reason for that is the arrival of my baby girl. Yes, she has been keeping me busy and I literally had to dust my laptop today and here I am sitting in darkness, while she is sleeping next to me to type this blog post.
My little bundle of joy arrived on 18 th March 2017 and we have named her Anokhi. She is doing fine and has started sleeping through the night which is great. I plan to share my birth story in a separate post when I get time. Pregnancy as well as Motherhood has been treating me well and I am so thankful for that.

I have the support of my family and hence I am able to manage things well and I am thankful for them as well. I am not sure if I would share her photos so soon on the blog or social media and I have not really decided on that as of now. 

I also plan to start a new section on the blog for Parenting / Motherhood for all the parents/ mothers out there. Being a first time mom is not easy and I have been quite paranoid for everything and wish to overcome that fear soon. 
As for my beauty blog is concerned, I would write as and when I have time and Bye Bye for now.